Supporters Like You Make All the Difference

Three Rivers Heritage Trail | Photo by Renee Rosensteel

“I am looking forward to the day when I can ride from coast to coast on a SAFE bike trail!”
—Anamaria Spiteri, RTC Member

We mean it when we say that without supporters like you, none of our work is possible.

That’s why we have created this website to help you follow your impact with Rails to Trails Conservancy and learn more about how to partner with us to reimagine public spaces to create safe ways for everyone to walk, bike and be active outdoors.

How You Support Our Work

Funding & Advocating for Active Transportation

DC Great American Rail-Trail Route Reveal | Photo by Eric Kayne

Funding & Advocating for Active Transportation

RTC champions transformative policy changes, advocating for investments in the infrastructure communities need to safely walk and bike where they live.

Connecting the Nation's Trails

Ohio's Erie Canal Towpath | Photo by Jason Cohn

Connecting the Nation's Trails

RTC's visionary TrailNation™ initiative is redefining what it means to build trail networks. Networks that serve as community gathering spaces and active-transportation routes connecting parks, neighborhoods, transit stops, schools and local businesses.

Bronzeville Trail

OH Lake Front Bikeway | Photo by Jason Cohn

Great American Rail-Trail

As the nation’s first cross-country, multi-use trail, The Great American Rail-Trail® will connect thousands of miles of rail-trails and other multiuse trails, serving tens of millions of people living along the route as well as those who visit the trail from around the country and the world.

Reconnecting America

MT Headwaters Trail | Photo by Scott Stark

Reconnecting America

At RTC, we believe that every person deserves a safe place outdoors. We've helped 90 million people find trails near and far. We inspire people to make trails part of their everyday lives.

Complimentary Donor Resources Are Just a Click Away!

WV Mon River Trail  |  Photo by Renee Rosensteel